Snowschool Instructor Training Academy

Passionate about skiing or snowboarding?

The Mount St. Louis Moonstone Instructor Training Academy is recognized as one of the top programs for those with a goal of becoming a Ski /Snowboard instructor.

The Academy includes:

  • a tailored curriculum
  • technical and teaching skills development
  • holistic approach to learning that is unmatched in Ontario’s ski and snowboard industry

The Academy staff are:

  • highly trained experienced professionals dedicated to helping you achieve your goals
  • consistent, top-quality coaches specifically focused on your individual needs
  • providing individualized training plan to determine areas of improvement
  • building on your strengths and leadership skills

The Academy is an introduction to the latest teaching methodologies from the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance (CSIA) and the Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors (CASI) and PSIC (Professional Ski Instructors of Canada)

  • opportunities to teach on snow with beginner skiers and riders
  • guidance of experienced, certified instructors, to hone your teaching skills
  • paid compensation (often equal to or exceeding tuition fees paid)

In addition, graduates of the Academy become members of the MSLM Snow School and are frequently offered positions with the Snow School the following season as an instructor.

“The coaches are amazing and really inspire you to do your best and you can’t help but get better. I realized pretty quickly that the Academy was making me not just a really, really good skier but giving me skills and experience that looked good on my resume and helped me be successful at school, too.”

– Amaya Hubbs, 2022/23 Academy Snow Pro of the Year Award Winner

Admission Requirements

  • 14 years of age or older
  • Intermediate skiing and riding skills
  • Availability throughout the season (December – March) to attend regular training sessions and scheduled shifts to gain teaching experience

Application Process – September 16 – October 11, 2024

Click to Apply

  • Please note: Applicaitons submitted before September 16 at 12:00 AM or after October 11 12:01 PM will not be considered.

October 18 – November 1, 2024 Candidate Interviews
Selected applicants will be contacted after October 11, 2024 to confirm an online panel interview. The interview will include the Snow School Director, a member of the Snow School Hiring Team, and a member of the Academy Coaching Team.

November 4 – November 11, 2024 Acceptance Offers
Successful applicants will be contacted and extended an offer to join the Academy. Tuition fees due in full by November 25, 2024.

November 25, 2024 Tuition Fees Due
Tuition fees include:

  • on-snow and indoor training sessions
  • video review
  • MSLM Snow School uniform rental fee
  • Employee Gold Podium Pass

$525 + HST


“Working with Mount St. Louis’s Instructor Academy is always a pleasure, that I look forward too. These candidates are always well prepared in both skiing and teaching fundamentals. This allows for an enjoyable and professional certification experience for young ski pros. Participation in this program is a very positive way to enter the rewarding world of ski instruction. I recommend it !!”

– Alan Maguire, CSIA Course Conductor